You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2013.

Hi friends,

Apologies that it has been so long since I’ve posted! The end of summer was a whirlwind for me. So many things have been happening, big changes and big events. A good friend of mine had major surgery- he’s recovering well. Another good friend got married and I was part of the wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony, very touching. I have a new roommate and it’s my favorite season! So much has been going on that I feel like I haven’t had a chance to stop. As I sit here this morning, reflecting on the past month, I am overcome with gratitude and love. I’ve had the opportunity to witness and experience so much love. I’ve had the chance to lean on people and been able to provide that support for others. I feel so incredibly lucky these days. I’m not sure what I did to deserve this life.

Today I am grateful for:

That fuzzy feeling in the middle of my chest. The place where love begins and extends out.
Such an incredible network of people that I get to call friends and family.
Sharing meals with my roomies.
Pumpkin everything, everywhere. Yummy.